The system provides updated information on worldwide emergencies coming from a number of different governmental or private institutions. The Rapid Response Emergency System is activated in case of: Earthquakes a Tsunami or a Forest Fire of great dimensions. All the information presented in the System, as well as the comments made by the users should be used or interpreted under your own responsability.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sismo de 6.6 M en la costa de Arequipa - Peru

El epicentro se registro a 47 km Sur de Acari, Peru.
En base a la informacion preliminar se genero una alerta tsunami.

Fuente JRC

Las principales ciudades afectadas por las olas serian:
Chala Viejo 1.3m
Tanaca 1.0m
Angostura 0.9m
Yauca 0.7m
Chavi'a 0.4m
Las Tres Quebradas 0.4m
Aguada de la Zorra 0.4m
Cancino 0.3m
Estancia Moro 0.3m
Puerto San Juan 0.3m
Punta de Lobos 0.3m
Campamento Tres Hermanas 0.3m
San Juan 0.2m
San Nicolßs 0.2m
La Bodega 0.2m
El Desaire 0.2m
Puerto Atico 0.2m
Montegrande 0.2m
Pescadores 0.2m
Camanß 0.1m
El Cardo 0.1m
Pampata 0.1m
Puerto Caballas 0.1m
Cerro de Arena 0.1m
Jaguey 0.1m
Pedregal 0.1m
Mejfa 0.1m
Ensenada 0.1m
So'ay 0.1m
Chiguay 0.1m

Source: GDACS

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