The system provides updated information on worldwide emergencies coming from a number of different governmental or private institutions. The Rapid Response Emergency System is activated in case of: Earthquakes a Tsunami or a Forest Fire of great dimensions. All the information presented in the System, as well as the comments made by the users should be used or interpreted under your own responsability.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fuerte Sismo de 6.8 M se registro cerca de Pucalpa

El Sistema Satelital registro hace pocos minutos un sismo de 6.8 M en el norte del Peru, cerca de la localidad de Pucalpa.

Segun la informacion  de la  U.S. Geological Survey
M 6.8 - Aug 24 2011, northern Peru
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 17:46:11 UTC
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:46:11 PM at epicenter
Depth: 145.10 km (90.16 mi)

Segun la informacion del:
Instituto Geofísico del Perú
Servicio Sismológico

Fecha GMT: 24-08-2011
Hora GMT: 17h 46m 08s
Latitud: -7.670 grados
Longitud: -74.770 grados
Profundidad: 149 km
Magnitud: 7.0 Richter (ML)
Intensidad (MM): V Pucallpa
44 km al Sur-Este de Contamana (Dpto. Loreto)

Shake maps:

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